Néo-Décongestine®hot&cold is a topical, ready-to-use compress compound for localised relief of pain and inflammation for use with hot and cold compresses.

Muscle rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis, bruises, sprains, bursitis and tendinitis or a cold?Néo-Décongestine® hot&cold - simply apply and allow it to take effect

uscle rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis, bruises, sprains, bursitis and tendinitis or a cold?

Néo-Décongestine® hot&cold - simply apply and allow it to take effect

Néo-Décongestine®hot &cold is a topical, ready-to-use compress compound for localised relief of pain and inflammation for use with hot and cold compresses. It is spreadable, smooth and gentle. The compress compound optimally conforms to the shape of the body. It is covered with cotton wool and held in place with an elastic bandage.

Cold compresses: For insect bites and sprains.

Hot compresses: For colds, as a throat compress for sore throats; for contusions, dislocations, strains and joint and muscle pain.

Pack sizes
400 g

Available in pharmacies and chemists.

Obligatory product information

Néo-Décongestine® hot&cold 

Indications: For the treatment of muscle rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, bruises, sprains, bursitis and tendinitis and in case of colds, for use as a throat compress for sore throat.

This is an authorised medicinal product.

Read the enclosed patient information leaflet.